he just can't win this argument. he's basically obama care and romney care are the same. very few people have paid any sort of tax to do with this. this is nonsense. i actually think at the end of the day it is possible that the health care bill will actually help barack obama get re-elected. i think he will be re-elected. 538.com had a piece on it sterday that shows that if the election were held today obama would get close to 300 electoral votes. that's pretty extraordinary. >> the president is taking his first bus tour starting this morning, i guess. re-election -- of the re-election campaign, going to ohio, pennsylvania, the latest qui quinnpiac poll shows him up six points in pennsylvania. in ohio, in both states the president's message is bolstered by an improved job situation in those states. the unemployment rate in ohio and pennsylvania are just over 7%. near lay full point below the