result of the health care act being passed by congress, being signed by this president and now being affirmed by the highest law in the land. >> patrick, really quickly, last question, and this is for folks who don't follow this as closely as we all do here. tax penalty. why is that language so important? >> well, let's be very, very clear here about what the supreme court said last week, craig. the supreme court affirmed that this law is constitutional and that the penalty can be assessed to the tax provisions in the u.s. constitution. and this penalty applies to 1% of all americans who can afford health care but refuse to get it. and as a result, you and i are paying for the health care costs. so it's really important that we understand exactly what the supreme court affirmed. it's clear what was in the president's plan. and it's also clear that this is a plan that was modeled on the tax penalty that was leveed in