drugs and for wellness care, for mammograms, all the things that are important to families. >> i went to the republican briefing on the hill today. they are calling it a job killer. they are saying it's terrible for small business. you didn't say that. >> the fact is, we have about 300,000 small businesses and 2 million of their employees have gotten health care since this ç became the law because they get credits to help pay for the health care. these small businesses want to offer health care, they couldn't afford it. now they can and they are doing it. >> governor dean, we know one thing about the republicans, they don't give up, and the next four months are going to be politically brutal. first of all, your response to the ruling today. i know you're not a fan of the mandate. your response to the ruling and your coaching, so to speak, on how the democrats have to sell this the next four months and run on it. >> first of all, this was a great ruling, not in the least because john roberts, they are going to have a hard time calling john roberts a social itself, even on fox news. secondly, governor romney, if