come on, let's give them the force. >> doctors hope this will be his last major surgery. >> and microsoft hopes it has a game changer on its hands with a newly unveiled tablet computer. jackie deangelis is live at the nasdaq with what's moving your money. what's the buzz? how is this tablet different from all the others out there? >> good morning. what he know, the new tablet named surface. two versions. lighter one slarp to the ipad and a heavier device competing with the lightweight laptops we call ultra books. the microsoft tablets run on the mu windows 8 software. 10.8 inch screen and detachable keyboards and kick stands to set them up on the table and type away. no release date yet. don't know about the price either. wall street not seeming to be impressed with microsoft the offer, at this point. >> interesting. help on the way for frustrated credit card customers. tell us.