blood and honor and the vinlander social club. >> my racial philosophy was we were the master race. white people were meant to rule the world. we created society. we created economics. we created everything. we were meant to rule. and, therefore it was our god-given right to stand up and take what was ours. the white race was dying. it was going to be bred out, so we needed to go to extreme measures to save our people. >> and what did you consider extreme? >> at the time, murder wasn't extreme. i mean, but, you know it was kind of one of those things that could happen. but now, hindsight it was, you know, drive-bys, things like that would be very extreme. >> we track a lot of the extremist organizations out there as they come across our desk, and, of course, the skinhead movement is one of the most violent. and we first saw bryon pop up on our radar when he was involved

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