is we are thrilled with the auto jobs -- >> romney would not have bailed them out. romney would not have bailed them out. >> i'm not here to debate. >> it's a fact, is it not, governor, you said that the things that turned ohio around, and one of them was the auto bailout. >> if governors like kasich gave credit where credit was due, it would under mine a case that romney is putting out. >> does mitt romney have a problem going into states like ohio and michigan, and arguing that the economy is bad because, you know, you are pitching against the republican governors that are there and overlooking their work if you are trying make a larger argument about obama's failure. >> this is a big problem for romney, he had a lot of good news lately. obama did not have the greatest month or last six weeks. because the auto bail outs were successful, they produced results, when they did, not just