increases, rather, and tax cuts and perhaps some stimulus now to try to jump-start what's going on? but something to give the business leaders, the business community a sense of what's coming ahead that the two parties can work together and maybe they would start spending some of the cash they're sitting on. >> well, i would. i would for two reasons. one, it's the right thing to do. it's the only prescription. everyone shares sacrifices. cuts in domestic spending. some changes in reform and entitlement programs. increase in revenue. a little bit of share paid for everybody. i think it would be a great plan, and i think the republicans would be in a dilemma. if they say, no, they're going to look like true obstructionists. if they say yes, then it's the president's initiative and he gets credit for it. i think it would be a master stroke politically. give the president credit. people like myself have criticized him for not embracing simpson/bowles early. when he and speaker boehner were close to doing the big deal, $5