i think that if you watch the show you know dylan spends a lot more time on solutions. what should we try to get the politicians to do important the public good? if you read his book you probably know about a key to reforming our financial system. >> the basic regulator of all capitalism vanished for some, shall we say, special bankers. by beginning to mandate capital requirements throughout the entire lending system and putting swaps on a public exchange, we can realign the interest of the financial institution was our country. >> it is hard to get people to care about a free-standing policy proposal like capital requirements. it is a lot easier to attack big government or your opponent's party. dim an, though, has been hammering on all of us to look at the core structure of the financial markets. if you don't want to bail out more banks, and if the banks would rather take risk than hold on to your money, we are going to have to make rules to make them hold the cash and avoid