you're headed for a great defeat and going to be regrouping in december and january. >> right. let's stick to that point. he's also questioning the gop's approach to immigration. he says romney needs to change his tone on the subject matter. now, some of this may be existential given the fact jeb bush is married to a woman of latino descent. which seems to make a difference in his understanding of the problem. will the republican party heed his advice? >> no, not any time soon. it will be interesting, if mitt romney loses in november, i think that there will just be a bloodbath and there will be a lot of blame and finger pointing. but it's going to come in two directions. you will see people like jeb bush saying we went too far, we have to take the party back from the tea party. but then i think you'll also see tea party people saying mitt romney was never our guy. mitt romney was a moderate and what we really need is somebody to the right of ronald reagan. to it the right of the till of the hun. but i do feel that jeb bush is stepping out there, whether it's hoping for 2016 or hoping to be a party elder reshaping in his