the vote efforts? >> i think, indeed, if the law were to stay in effect, it's exactly the way you described it, they would get knocked out as political players. but the people who were union members last year are still very much involved, and the ground game is as good as i've ever seen. the democratic party, the barrett campaign, labor unions, the obama campaign have run a really well, integrated, get out the vote effort. it's almost as if the get out the vote effort doesn't involve the kind of spending that scott walker has because this is about people and politics. i think they're really matched pretty evenly for what happens tomorrow. >> if the democrats do win a seat tomorrow and they do take clear control of the state senate, do you see any hope for that body maybe being a means for the parties reconciling? do you think you see anything changing in terms of the overall dynamics in the state? what do you think would happen if the democrats win the senate tomorrow? >> i think when tom barrett talks about ending the civil