colorado's requested this as well to interface with their system. immigration from beginning to end shlg and it will be much less likely that someone who is identified and contacted under this scenario. >> we need more perfect data and that data resides with the obama administration. >> thomas -- if i may. >> naples ft. myers they voted. the vote was cast and counted? >> we know that they are registered to vote. we know the one example i gave you did in fact vote. >> so congressman, jump in there. >> sure. if i may. first of all, two things that i would point out. in the 2008 election there were 16 cases of voter fraud out of 8 million votes cast. and we don't even have confi confirmation on this person he's referring to ever cast a vote. we know there were 16 cases out of 8 million votes cast. the most important news remade this morning, thomas, is that