the argument. we'll hear your side of the argument at minimum. he will think about your side positively at minimum. you may not buy the guy but you damn well opened the door to him and had the best chance to sell him, and he or she will probably go with you if they can get away with it. that's the scary part. >> of course, they will. you're buying access for sure. if nothing else you expect to pick up the phone and get somebody in the white house. >> and you need to run for reelection. you need mid-term contributions. this is the first flood, and with many more to come if this law stands. >> you mean they stay bought? >> of course, they get bought and they stay bought at least until the next election and through the next election. then they'll come out of office and complain about what a bad system it is and how much they hate raising money. >> the question is, money can't buy you love but it might be able to buy you presidents. what a great piece in rolling stone. what a magnet you're becoming. after all these years, you're still great. joe, great having you on any time.