before the world came out they lost 2 billion, they were prepared to say not only did it happen in a bank, but there would be no regulation of that derivative action whatsoever. >> let me get to secretary rice. it seems to me just in terms of the people who don't understand all of this, they love it on wall street. the more complicated the better. haven't they seen all of the movies? haven't they seen hank paulson played by bill hurt, and the margin call, movie after movie saying these guys are ruthless sobs. they'll do anything to make money. don't trust them. keep the lights on them and keep them regulated and watched. by the way, when they get in trouble, they come up with the begging ball. take care of us now. come take care of our billions. they're very big on big government when it comes to saving they're keesters. yet don't they have any shame? that's my question. these guys. >> they have absolutely no shame, and i think most of the public is very skeptical and distrustful. that's where the tea party