from the rescuers and move it out. the third ring is to take the sand and disperse it further out. >> as word ripples out that a teenager is trapped, bystanders start converging on the scene and the crowd grows. >> i just saw a whole row of moms just on their hands and knees just digging as if it were their own child. we had guys in business suits who had seen the commotion and come down. girls who were just hanging out on the beach are all there. >> people are using shovels, buckets, fins, their bare hands. whatever they can grab to dig. >> i saw one person take a pot plant from their balcony and dump the plant and soil out and use it to dig. >> fire department battalion chief jeff boyles knows the clock is ticking. five. ten. fifteen minutes pass. >> once we started hitting the 15 minute mark, i had to start preparing in my mind that if this person really is five to seven feet down there, not only is that an enormous amount of