system that states compete with each other to try to -- for exactly this reason, on regulatory issues, on tax systems. you know, we've seen that kind of thing happen. and there's almost like a war between the states trying to get businesses in to them for things like this. >> and we definitely see it in the tristate area. chris christie almost goading dana malloy. i mean, they get along well now. but dana malloy feeling like he needed to raise taxes in connecticut, and chris christie saying, hey, come on down to new jersey. you're right. there is a lot of foreign shopping going on. >> if you're based in a state, you should pay that state's taxes to. have a mailbox elsewhere, you think that's a fair way of doing business? please. you don't. >> my primary residence is not in florida right now. i wish it were, because i would like to pay 0% state income taxes. >> exactly. >> i've got to figure out a way to do it. i just can't. >> i know you don't.