the violence against women's act is now headed for the house. the 18-year-old law pours resources in helping victims of domestic violence. the senate voted to reauthorize it yesterday by a vote of 68-# 1. according to the hill, all of the no votes came from republican men. the legislation faces a rockier road when it goes before the house. republicans in the house have offered up rival legislation. joining me for this week's sound off is georgetown university law student sandra fluke. we know her name is synonomous with the phrase "war on women" since february. the senate vote on the violence against women's act that we talked about, does have the majority of the no votes coming from republican men. what is your reaction to the continuing use of women's rights women's issues as the political hot potato or football that keeps going back and forth? >> well i think it's really unfortunate. the last time the violence against women act was reauthorized a few years ago it had passed the senate