that this right-wing public policy is going to have on everyday women. this is a social and chieconomi battle that we're fighting isn't the state of ohio that you can no longer be poor. it is a crime to be poor in the state of ohio, to be a poor woman. you won't have access to screenings, like cancer screenings and mammograms. you know, 96% of what the planned parenthood provides is for preventative health care. ed, this is an absolute shame and people should be outraged. >> well, planned parenthood serves, as i understand, over 100,000 women in the state of ohio. is that number correct? >> yes, that number is correct. >> okay. so if the gop kills planned parenthood, where are these women going to go for health care services, such as cancer screenings, such as other health care procedures that are provided by planned parenthood? >> well, ed, obviously, they don't care. you know, one of our colleagues talked about how they can just get on a bus. you know, this total disregard for women in the state of ohio, but also poor women in the state