strategy that the republicans had when barack obama was running in 2008, isn't it? >> yeah it is. i think it's very deliberate and very cynical. what they are saying is we're not going to tell you anything about mitt romney if we can get away with it. we want the focus on president barack obama. we want you to look at what he's done or not done. we're not going to tell you anything about what's behind the curtain. that also happens to fit with mitt romney's life and personality. i first interviewed him back in '94 when he was running for the senate. cards very close to the vest. very guarded. he's like that personally. also, his faith is like that. it's one where a lot of the elements of the faith are private and he keeps them to himself. when he was at bane capital, if you're a takeover artist, if you're in the investment business the way he was, you don't broadcast your plans. you keep them to yourselves pm also, he made a lot of money at bane and a big thing for wealthy