senate, aren't you? >> i am. >> who are you running against? >> there's four candidates in the republican primary, and the primary isn't until august 14. so i'm waiting to see who the republican primary electorate advances in that election. >> and you've cleaned out the democratic field? >> i have cleaned out the democrat igfield. >> that a girl. i like it. >> just wiped them out. >> just full speed ahead. >> fantastic. >> so talk about the buffett rule. is it a political gimmick? >> no, it's not a political gimmick. people like jamie baldwin and i have for a long time supported something like that. we didn't call it the buffett rule but more tax fair business. you look at hedge fund managers in this city and other places are paying 15%, and there's not -- you know, capital gains is about risk. they are not even taking risk and they are paying 15%. when you see the last decade how the middle class has struggled, and, you know, not really gotten wage gains, and then they see the richest people in the