people in the street. that's the bottom line. these are progressives who are in the street. you don't see the conservatives in the street the. you don't see them -- you know who's out there for them? fox news is out this for them. some right-wing talkers in milwaukee are out there for them. go across the state, no, no, no. this guy is on big-time shaky ground and this is a template for other states across the union to see how to fight against the big money. that's why this is so big. if walker wins, if he stays in office, it also sets the template on how the republicans will be able to get it done. let's bring in wisconsin state senators lena taylor and chris larson. lena, let me ask you first, the template, i mean if i'm wrong, tell me. what's happening here? >> you are not wrong, ed. this has been a movement that is unprecedented. it is unprecedented for our