it shouldn't be that way. we should get to decide how to choose. >> take a look at this recent poll, the "new york times" cbs poll. in the war on afghanistan, we should not be involved, 69%. 23%, we're doing the right thing. so we're anti-war in afghanistan. let's look at the tricky part. let's look at the iranian prospects right now. 56% support u.s. military, not israeli, action if there is evidence of a nuclear weapons program, 39% opposed. is it possible we're in the habit of getting tired of wars? there is war fatigue but not generally. certain fronts become tiring, and yet we're just as perhaps trip wired, ready to go in the next fight. >> that's exactly the right question. and do we think of our military as being super capable? you think of them as having super heroic powers. the thing that bugs me in the