14, fires a lethal round, and there is no warning shots fired with it, it is used to stop the attack, if it is deemed bodily injury would come into attack. >> pelican bay's general population housing units are designed to give the control room officers a 180-degree view of the inmate population. this design also gives the inmates a good view of them. >> the inmates are watching you constantly. they're watching me right behind, right now. they watch your every movement and that's where a lot of times they have the advantage on us they get to see us every day, check our weapons, use the same key in and out. >> you cross an imaginary boundary when you come in at that guard shack and now you are in their city. you spend time here, you know, several years, 10 years, 12 years, you start to get, you know, the concept of it is a mini city unto itself. >> i was sitting here thinking the other day, you know what, i'm in their neighborhood. you know, even though i'm just here for eight hours, i'm just in their neighborhood. i'm just johnny lawman.