get a sense of the hard decisions that are made in the white house, how the president came to the auto bailout, how he dealt with the raid on osamas compound, i think that gives people a sense of what the president's character is and what is really at his core. >> that's the way you're going to try to define the president, the campaign's trying to define the president. this is what mitt romney has to say about how you and the super pac, the obama super pac, is going to try to define him. >> they're going to go after me on a personal basis and try to attack and make me into something i'm not. but you know what, we're going to talk about the president's record. we're going to ask people, are you happy with what's happened in terms of job creation in this country, how long it's taken for us to recover? are you happy with the $1 trillion of additional debt every year? are you concerned about the size of government? you go through the list of the president's policies and you recognize the american people are not happy with him. i'll be talking about his policies and, of course, they'll be talking about personalities. >> are you planning to go after mitt romney, make it personal, and tear him down? >> i respect that mitt romney's