finding downside of and it saying that -- this member of congress voted for or against something that they shouldn't have even if it was basically a deese enpiece of legislation. maybe it spent too much money or something of that nature. they are going to go after it. people are becoming extremely defensive in terms of how they are voting and worried about getting to far away from their party following and particularly gets through the republican party, somewhat true of the democratic party, too. just a problem. so people can't sit down and say let's work out a compromise, say, on -- education, for example, no child left behind, problematic right now. many people believe. can we do something to replace that? you know. and that's not yet been worked out. and yet it should. can we do something about the cost of social security and -- medicare? can we do something about tax reform? these are basic issues that are going to have to take the -- sitting down and working on them