in today's republican primary something rick santorum hopes to use to his advantage. listen to this robocall that went out to democrats today in hopes of getting them out to vote. >> michigan democrats can vote in the republican primary on tuesday. why is it so important? romney supported the bailouts for his wall street billionaire buddies but opposed the auto bailouts. that was a slap in the face to every michigan worker and we're not going to let romney get away with it. on tuesday, join democrats who are going to send a loud message to massachusetts mitt romney by voting for rick santorum for president. this call is supported by hard-working democratic men and women and paid for by rick santorum for president. >> tonight, we can report new exit poll data on who voted today in michigan. 10% of the voters say they are democrats. 31% say they are independents. 59% say they are republican. and that democratic number hasn't changed a whole lot since 2008. look at the number of combined