to massachusetts' mitt romney by voting for rick santorum for president. >> jeff, just so we have a clear response to everybody, mitt romney did give a response to this. take a look at this. >> you are making calls to republicans today. this is a good thing, all right? yeah. yeah. the santorum campaign is making calls to democrats today, all right? so we want to make sure we get republicans out to vote. we want this to be a process where republicans choose a republican nominee. we don't want the democrats to choose who they think is the easiest person to run against. >> just talk of the stakes that are taking place in michigan today. we'll get back to our conversation with jeff zell in a second but first we'll go live to chardon, ohio, where they are holding a press briefing to tell us what had happened yet at chardon, ohio, let's listen in. >> the ems and law enforcement