reelected, particularly if his goal is how we restore the middle class, how we respore restore middle class income and jobs. that's the direction he needs to go. >> fairness for sure is an issue that works for him because that's something he hits on and speaks very eloquently about. >> he's right on fairness, but the starting point is middle class. more than anything else. people think this is a country where the middle class succeeds. that's what we have to restore. they have been smashed by this crisis in the past decades of economic stagnation for middle income people. and that's where they say, that's where they say they want him to fight. and it's a big choice with the republicans. they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy and that raises the fairness argument for family. that's a big choice that works for the president. >> i'm always fascinated, though, by the sort of balance between style and substance, because stylistically, on the republican side, rick santorum has done well because he has this sort of every man quality and talked about his grandfather