romney only has himself to blame for putting his foot in his mouth once again. >> i like the fact most of the cars i see are detroit made automobiles. i drive a mustang and pick up truck. anne drives a couple cadillacs, actually. >> that is kind of h his way of supporting the automobile loan? the guy with at least four family cars, really knows how to relit to the working folk of america, huh in he makes gaffes when he goes off script. but the things he says on script caused hundreds of auto workers to protest the speech outside the stadium. romney was bad mouthing the auto workers union from the football field. >> in my view, the industry got in trouble because the uaw asked for too much, management gave too much, made other mistakes, and the government cafe standards hurt domestic automakers and provided a benefit to some of the foreign automakers. >> how in the heck could that have happened on the heels of