playing a joke. like they had a pet rat and were like, oh, let's let a rat loose. >> i did think there was some trained rat. i thought there would be a clicking noise in the back, and oh, there's a trainer. >> is this video for real or like some of our other videos, a trick? >> it was a subway rat. it wasn't somebody's house mouse. it wasn't a pet chinchilla. no, it was a dirty subway rat. >> jeff forbes catches this hair-raising moment on camera while on his way home from work late at night. >> i was on the train and asleep on my way home, and a lady is screaming, a rat, a rat. i woke up and the rat was at my feet. >> he takes out the point and shoot camera and points it at this rate to this unidentified sleeping man. >> i thought it was a crazy video because i've never seen a rat on the train in my life, and i have lived here all my hive. >> within days of putting it on youtube and facebook, it has