issue of hiring illegal imgrants by pointing out how politically stupid it would be for a guy running for president. he's openly admitted he's something of a fraud. let's listen. >> we hired a lawn -- a lawn company to mow our lawn and they had illegal immigrants working there. and when that was pointed out to wirks let them go. you have a problem with allowing someone to finish speaking. and i suggest if you want to become president of the united states you have to let both people speak. so, first, let me speak. so we went to the company and we said, look. you can't have any illegals working on our property. i'm running for office for pete's sake. i can't have illegals. >> in journalism we don't say illegals. we might say illegal immigrants. we might say undocumented workers. doesn't have a prep session where he's told how to talk. >> he doesn't seem to have those prep sections. >> i think conservatives like