their ultrasound bill would hugely. this year he lost colorado. force women seeking an abortion mitt romney was so sure he was in virginia to under go a going to win colorado this year he made sure he was personally medically unnecessary internal in the state of colorado on the vaginal probe and submit to a night of the caucuses. waiting period thereafter. his campaign reserved a big, big the virginian pilot newspaper room where he could deliver his colorado victory speech to his explained how it will work and what it will mean for virginia women. quoting "in order to satisfy the supporters. >> i can tell you this room we goals of the legislation which talked about this a few moments includes requirement that a ago, was not even half full it's doctor determine the gestational starting to fill in a little bit age of the pregnancy, a trans but guys, this room is still not vaginal ultrasound may be the only reliable course. full keep in mind we're in the city of denver, this is a large under any other circumstances, forcing an unwilling person to metropolitan area, outside the submit to a vaginal probing city limits you have a lot of would be a violation beyond imagining. conservati requiring a doctor to commit an conservative republicans. mitt romney is not filling the act when medically unnecessary room tonight. >> heading in the maine caucuses and submit to arbitrary waiting that was the narrative of the period is demand an be a ro abr race for the republican nomination for president. mitt romney losing missouri, of medical ethics." losing minnesota badly, which he should have won, and losing our next guest would ask a colorado which he not only woman's consent before should have won but where he obviously thought he was going subjecting her to that medically