>> lundgren convinces luff and the other followers that their sins will delay the second coming of christ. >> there's threats of eternal damnation going here. it's not just your own, it's your wife, it's your children, but it's also the whole world because if this thing doesn't happen, people will die. >> lundgren manipulates the group to convince them there are consequences, mandated by god, if they do not follow his every word. >> we had a rabbitry, a couple pets like this, well, they would end up dead. of course, it's pretty obvious, i think now, that lungren was killing these creatures. and so every time that happened, he said that's because they're sin in the midst. that meant that there would be a cost. at this point, it was a cost to some animal. but it also meant that it would postpone this fulfillment that we were supposed to be seeking, which meant that more people would die. >> were you afraid, living in