there with his new prize candidate? did you see mitt romney standing up there like he'd just won the miss world contest. the latest prize figure in the world of donald trump. a world of golden buildings and high-rise casinos where it's hard to find the elevators where all you can see are the endless rows of slot machines, black jack and roulette wheels. we americans just want to make it to the elevators, donald. why your trying to hook us into the latest games that all favor the house. no, life isn't a casino and most people can't afford to do business with trump. and like those very poor that never come through that door, even though some people leave those casinos in that category of very poor. those very poor are not on romney's radar. he says he's not even thinking about them. they have their safety net, he argues and don't need our attention. they aren't going to be part of the we the people under his presidency. we, those people, are going to be the folks a bit better off, of course. mitt's looking for the upscale crowd to put him into office.