becoming more aggressive against newt gingrich. they outspent gingrich, romney and his supporters have, 4 to 1 in this state, spending close to $16 million, which is a lot of money being spent, and literally, as we turn on the television when you wake up and go to bed, you can't miss the romney ads. in a state like this, had a significant impact. >> unbelievable the numbers. peter, thank you. newt gingrich is having a rally in pensacola, florida. that should be going on now. ron mott has been following this gingrich campaign. ron, give us a sense of where that campaign is now, because we heard just there from peter that somehow newt gingrich thinks this race is a lot closer than most polls would show it to be. >> he does indeed. good morning. he thinks this race will be closer than the last few polls in the past 48 hours indicate that show double digit leads for former governor mitt romney.