the count himself, like dracula and you got -- what do you do? do you tell these guys put a little weird tint, purple tint on these guys? what did you do? they don't look like this and the president doesn't look like that in real life. i just saw him on tv last night. he didn't look like that. >> but chris, right now i didn't see it. all i heard were mitt romney's words and the president's words. those are the things they said. >> why do you make him look so furtive and dracula-like? >> chris, come on. you've been in politics a long time. >> where do you find these voices from these people with these suspicious voices that you get. i notice you have a female voice. usually you have a male voice for that guy always saying did you know he has been invited 40 times? >> can i bring up something else suspicious? you mentioned the 1% about mitt romney and over $200,000 a year. people are attracted to him. the thing i don't understand is he had some sort of unconventional i.r.a. he's claimed there is somewhere between $21 million and $101 million in his i.r.a. now most americans can only