for instance, bill gates' $45 million, that's one year of health and human services. so i always believed in my giving that i was doing something right for the country. >> i'm not saying that everyone that goes to these is al truistic or doesn't believe in the candidate, but there's got to be a level of, well, i had dinner with barack obama last night, we had a chat about whatever. >> call my naive, but thust things i have learned is how many people are in it for what they get out of it. i've given hundreds of thousands actually to democrats through my life. i've never given anything to a republican. in 2008 i did not have confidence that barack obama was ready to be president, and i came out for mccain. i saw a democrat ecfund raise -- i said that's so great. i know how tough this is. this is a vortex you're not used to. he said, lynn, i have to give to