argument, that there isn't a candidate who doesn't have flaws and the other thing they can do even if their candidate has flaws, is beat down the other guy. obviously, the democrats are worried about these super pacs. they're spending huge amounts of money already. let me play for you what david axelrod said over the weekend. >> the other thing that worries me are these big super pacs that we see romney and others benefitting from. i think there's going to be a ton of money -- but not nearly of the scale on the republican side. >> what do you think about what david axelrod said? >> i think he's right. there will be huge pools and pockets o money. the question is, where do they come from. what we see in the primary ss that they're very effective because the windows with short. a week, two weeks between different event. iowa, new hampshire and does somebody have a chance to answer the challenges and attacks