even further in his bid for publicity, comparing himself to son of sam in new york, jack the ripper in london, and the hillside strangler in los angeles, claiming they were all driven to kill by what he called factor "x." it seems senseless but we cannot help it, he wrote. there is no help, no cure except death or being caught and put away. >> he was making it clear that he wanted to be elevated to be serial killer hall of fame. this is the league that he said he should be in. he listed 15 to 17 additional serial killers, infamous serial killers. >> through the ages? >> through the ages. btk is a student, was the first thing that flashed through my mind, of serial murders. >> along with a lurid description of the otero killings, loewen says the killer was literally begging for ink. a little paragraph in the newspaper would have been enough. how many people do i have to

Related Keywords

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