whatever, something broke. it sounded like something hit the wall. you see these movies where someone throws a vase or whatever, but -- then she came walking very fast, very agitated. got in her car, started it up, and started to back out. >> and her son burst out the door. >> and said, mommy, don't go, don't go. you don't have to go. >> still, everybody has fights sometimes. so it hardly seemed likely this neighbor and what he saw were about to move center stage in our strange drama. because of what happened on another fine morning, a sunday it was, about three months after that bizarre crossbow accident. almost beyond belief really. and if you haven't guessed already, the reason we're telling you all this. what did we say? lightning striking twice? >> what has happened? sir, don't hang up with me! what's happened? sir? sir? >> a frantic call, a frightening sight. >> there's anna laying at the