cancellations on thursday at midway and o'hare. today flights should be in better shape, some de-icing here, also in buffalo and pittsburgh, and we're keeping an eye on the northeast airports because there may be some wind issues. won't be as windy as yesterday. so winter is back, alex. it will be a cold weekend, but, like we've seen, it won't be persistent. in fact, there's no reason at this point, looking at the long-range map for the next two weeks, that we'll get into anything like we had the past two winters with persistent arctic chill and big snowstorms. enact, we don't see any risk of snow at all in the big cities, boston, philly, new york, d.c., in the next couple weeks. it's going to warm up the first of the week, turn cold again and bi-next weekend another big flood of warm air from the gulf of mexico. so if you like the snow, enjoy it while it's here. had a foot in the berkshires and some of these lake belts have so far had 8 to 10 inches. alex? >> crazy winter. >> reporter: good to see you finally for some winter weather. >> you, too. thank you so much, mike seidel.