heart sometimes. you can win a factual argument but lose the gut art argument here. how concerned are you about that with mitt romney? >> mitt's got to make his case. i think he's got a very good case to make, and obviously, he's going to -- this is the first inning of a very long game here. if he is the nominee and i suspect he is going to be the nominee, he's going to do well here in new hampshire and in south carolina. nobody's ever wouldn't south carolina, new hampshire ever. if they do, i suspect they'll be the nominee. he's going to face this from the obama administration at a much higher intensity with much more money than he's facing it now. he's going to get his response down and make it convincing and i think he can do that. >> congressman what do you make of the hits on mitt romney for his -- >> i was surprised. he is a market oriented individual as i think most americans in the republican party. so, look, i think it's okay to try to show your differences in a primary. we believe in the primary process here in new hampshire.

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