thank you. >> there's something i don't understand about this that means there isn't an incredible double standard here on voting rules. >> let me make a technical point first. while we certainly do allow people to register to vote then vote in the caucus tomorrow, anybody who registers tomorrow will have to show a photo i.d. there's talk about people who are just going to be republicans for a day. people who are independents, democrats, who will register to put in a no preference, no choice, vote for a different candidate to change the outcome. this could be a democratic version of what rush limbaugh talked about doing in operation chaos in the obama/clinton p prima primary. >> sorry, just to be clear -- to register, but not to actually cast a vote? >> exactly. but to register to vote, you'll have to show a photo i.d. >> if you are worried about a reverse operation chaos, is there anything about showing an i.d. to register that would stop that? >> no, i don't think so.