candidate that's actually running in iowa, in my opinion. >> you mean in terms of actually showing up in all 99 counties. >> you don't give it to michele bachmann either. >> no, i don't. i think these plouffe and puff. she's been camped out in iowa and she's at 5%. so rick santorum has done shoe leather campaigning. it's old school and it's right. >> so has ron paul. you have to give him credit, too. he's embedded in iowa. the other thing with rick santorum, the evangelical wing of the party, they have -- they're accustomed to having great influence over who the nominee is, particularly in iowa. rick is their kind of candidate. they haven't had a say because the business wing of the party that likes romney or the sort of talk radio wing that's liked various candidates from herman cain to gingrich have had a bigger say. this is their chance. >> if you look at mike huckabee