>> i wan to get ck to tactics in just a seco. david brooks stayn this larger theme which is the white house, i talked to senr advisers say, look, can win the broader vision where the cotry is going, where it should go. we can win independent voters on that message. what is the vision that we're learning about of this republican variet party? >> it's a vision that thinks government's too big. the thing santorum brings to the table which the others don't talk about as well is community and values. he really was a big anti-poverty guy when he was in the congress. re talks about families and ties that to business a little betr. that's been lacng from what has become a very libertarian, anti-tax, economics only party. and it is in danger of reverting back into that. >> kathie what are the story lines that come out ofuesday as you see them? >> ll, i think that there's a couple things. one, that we're very interested in here in iowa is just how our iowa caucus is viewed nationall and the results here will feed into that discussion. does somebody come out of iowa that people perceive has very