night and they've said, i'm not really sure and they've been persuaded during that interesting debate process that goes on during a caucus. i do think it is believable. it's what makes us all so fascinating. >> we heard from rick green earlier, they do take this seriously, iowans, about what it means to the national landscape of having the caucus. john, you tweeted yesterday afternoon that, while you can still conjure scenarios for someone other than romney to win the nomination. none of them -- you are saying this is romney's to lose, correct? >> happy new year, tom. yes, i do think it's rom mi's to lose. what everybody is trying to do is figure out what happens if you get something surprising on tuesday night. for example, let's say rick santorum who has the montum at the end somehow wins the caucuses. where could he take that? he doesn't have much going in other states. one of the dynamics, i think, that was hinted at by rick perry's announcement that he's