mr. gingrich's support falling from 33% to 14% in this poll in less than a month. hey, i guess negative advertising works. when you lose 19 points in less than a month, there's plenty of your former supporters to spread around. so not only do ron paul and mitt romney get a five-point bump each in this latest poll, courtsy of newt gingrich's failure, but also the littlest bubble gets some help. that would be rick santorum rocketing up to third place in iowa. mr. santorum going from 5% to 16% in less than a month. again, some caution is warranted here. first of all, this is rick santorum. most famous for being ungoogleable for something he once said about having sex with dogs and for losing his own senate seat in a landslide. caution is warranted here. caution also warranted because as i mentioned the other poll out today, taken more recently, the ppp poll. look at rick santorum's numbers in the other poll, they show no movement whatsoever in rick santorum's numbers. so caution.