you're going to be working as a prostitute, if you don't do that, they're going to kill your family, your children, your siblings. that's enough to keep you there. you don't have to be in chains because the chains in this case are psychological, not physical. >> in just two years, the fbi field office in houston has interviewed over 100 young women who were held captive, prisoners forced to perform sex acts for 14 hours a day, 6 days a week. >> they were usually young, as young as 14 years old. >> agent vasquez assigned to the harris county trafficking task force says hundreds of young women are held in these seemingly harmless-looking bars and restaurants. >> they look normal from the outside. if you drive by one of them, you would not think more than, what a busy business. >> translator: he raped me. i didn't know him. >> 20-year-old carla sanchez says instead of the restaurant job she was promised, she was beaten and raped within hours of