steel, msnbc analyst and former head of the rnc. >> i thought he was talking about his campaign, i'm sorry. >> that's right. i thought -- in the new -- >> my bad. in the new humanization of mitt romney where he talks about his family and spouse and time as a mormon missionary. that was the eureka moment. he was in a town of 250,000 and for five months didn't sign -- not sign, convert anybody. and said, you know, i learned to perseve persevere, it didn't affect me. this is why this guy is able to withstand months and months of people saying we're not going to put a ring on it, we're not sure if you're the guy. i thought it was telling. >> training for political rejection. >> it really is. >> absolutely. >> i just blov the blitz where he's trying to go out and convince people that are humans because most humans don't have to convince people that they're human. >> oh, bill burton. does it work? does the humanization push work? >> i think it does. sure, it does. because everyone has these