other people have a right to believe in what they believe in. again, we've got to put those differences aside, and where's the common ground? where is it that we can agree? and frankly, when it comes to extending the payroll tax credit, when it comes to extending unemployment benefits with reforms, when it comes to taking care of the doctors who treat our medicare patients, we should not hold them hostage to some two-month agreement. we should do this for the full year, like the president asked for. >> what about next year? do you thin you get a debt reduction agreement or does that have to be put off until after the election? >> i believe it's critically important. our debt and our deficit are serving as a wet blanket, hanging over our economy, and frankly hanging over the future for our kids and grandkids. we, as leaders in our country have a responsibility to sit down and find a way to solve our debt crisis. >> let me ask you foreign policy question, we talked about iraq. senator mccain was quite critical of the president on the senate floor this week as troops are coming out. here's what he said. >> that this decision of a