"the post." also here is david milbank, a political columnist for the same organ. our top five. number five moments. in 1995 susan smith was convicted of murdering her two little boys by buckling them into her car and driving the car into the lake. a horrible story. newt gingrich's reaction at the time. "i think that the mother killing the two children in south carolina vividly reminds every american how sick this society is getting and how much we need to change things. the only way you get change is to vote republican." there you have the most -- well, you say what you think, objectively. a man who blames one of the country's two largest political parties, the democrats, on a killing by a mother in a horrible case of her two children. nia? >> yeah, this obviously was vintage newt, in 1994, he routinely threw rhetorical bombs like this and was such a divisive figure in american politics. i think he's arguing now that he has changed, that he's gone through some saul to paul